Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Doctor or Detective

Thinking today about how the practice of medicine is a process of elimination. Symptoms present like clues to what ails you, you visit the doc, he/she checks out your symptoms and make an educated guess what is wrong with you & how to treat it. When they make the wrong guess, you have to go back then they take another guess. Sometimes they order tests (these give you a better chance at being diagnosed correctly) The key here is hoping your doctor is a good enough detective to order the right tests, and interpret your bodily clues (symptoms) to effectively solve your problem

Friday, February 3, 2012

Home the double edge sword

So I was supposed to be at a work conference in sunny Puerto Rico right now but instead i am home with a broken foot. BOOO! While i was not looking forward to spending 5 days away from my kiddos especially my baby baby Christian, though i was looking forward to sleeping alone in a king size bed and eating out for dinner every night and getting catered breakfast lunch & snacks.  But things happen for a reason i guess.  As my mom advised me "No hay mal que por bien no venga" - essentially meaning that nothing bad happens without good to follow.  The good to follow or good reason is seeming like I needed to be here since the kids & Daddy are all sick.  Even with one foot out of commision at least im here to help Daddy with the kids and cleaning the house. I have mastered putting stuff away on my hands and knees (sidenote: if you find yourself havin to get around on all fours, house slippers under your knees and sliding like your skiing saves the knee cap pain).

Saturday, January 14, 2012


How did we ever wait before cell phones? Less patiently Is my answer...30 minutes into the designated show start time @ the westbury theater for George Lopez show & everyone is on their phones. Checking Facebook, email, pictures..,playing angry birds. Do they even realized the show was supposed to start half an hour ago?

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Advancement of Blogging Skills

I've been bitten by the blogging bug, decided to create blogs for both my kids... personalizing for them individually so that i can record their milestones, fun times, funny stories, post pictures/video/audio clips for their anecdotal pleasure when they are older.  I realize the potential flaw in this plan that i hope never comes to pass:  Will this technology where i am dedicating all this time and effort still be around for them when they are old enough to read & have an interest in this? I don't know, blogging could be surpassed by some other better technology that i cant even fathom at this time 10 - 15 years from now or even worse "blogger" could not be around kind of the way imeem.com disappeared into myspace.com with all my customized playlist and the handy ability to add in a music playing widget to HTML coded sites like myspace (another dying entity nowadays)...which brings me to my current frustration....trying to post an audio clip to their blogs...I've been googling away to no avail, all the post of how-to's are out dated with links to free pod casting sites that are not working or links to audio embedding site (which is what i want) that aren't working either.  Can we say frustrating....OK took a quick break to look again cause this is really bugging me, I'm determined to get these audio clips up....looks like i can use windows movie maker to combine the audio clip with some images making a "musical slidshow" if you will that can then be uploaded to YouTube.....Lets see how this works.

Saturday, December 31, 2011


Happy New Year 2012, on the eve of the last night of 2011 my reflections lead my to thanks...this past year or really the past 5 years have brought me to a life I am forever astounded to be living. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever believe it would get this good. The lord has truly blessed me & I will say as I always do~ I feel his smile upon me with each blessing he has bestowed my way...from my amazing friends who have seen me through the toughest lowest points of my life...some even "rescued" me - pushing & getting me out of some bad situations, to my amazing cousin (mi primo favorito) who in an act of guardian angelship - got me my first interview for my first real job which gave me the means to get out of said bad situation... *** this one seemingly small thing altered the course of my life forever...from that interview I got my first job out of college, met Denise who became a dear close friend who introduced me to my now husband with which we have 2 beautiful boys...*** hence the guardian angelship reference. I find it surreal to be able to pinpoint the turning point of my life to one event...as I sit here looking at the mini version of my husband while he calls to me "Momi sit der sit der"" my entire being is brimming with joy/pride/happiness/contentment - a general feeling of all is right in the world at this moment within these walls with MY family. Thank you Lord for all that you have given us in 2011 especially the most wonderful surprise of our little bundle of chubba wubba Christian who made it on the last day of Leo with 4 minutes to spare to Mommy's added delight. I'm so in love with him, my first born Benjamin, my amazing hubby Ben (even though gets on every last nerve I have) I love him more & more each day..every fight brings us closer cause after each one I accept the fact that I'm not ever leaving him as none of these bickering squabbles are actual deal breakers ! Too bad he's not reading this blog cause he'd have that little fact in writing... Hahaha anyway 2011 was amazing & if 2012 & every year after goes exactly the same I'd be one lucky woman.
2012's goal : get in shape to dominate my first Spartan Race in June ~ that right I said dominate , not just do ~ that means train hard & give it all I got , in it to win not just do!

Monday, December 26, 2011

He Rolled!

Nothing gets you as excited as seeing your baby do something for the first time....catch it on video & you are bursting with good Mom pride. That is how I feel right now. I'm hanging out with Christian getting some baby gym time in, got the camera recording because he's been goin up in his side today so I'm thinking there maybe a slight chance this could happen...and it does! Of course Dad is napping with Benjamin even though I try to wake him - he dozes back off - I'm sooo excited with no one to share this with!!! I contemplated posting the video to facebook but somehow that seems wrong since Daddy hasn't seen it yet (i mean somethings should be shared with each other first - this blog doesnt count cause I'm sure nobody reads it 😜) - i would have been pissed if he posted a video of the kids achieving some milestone before I got to witness it, but I'm jealous like that & not afraid to admit it. I believe a certain degree of jealousy is ok, healthy even. Would you rather a girl who wants you to herself or who could care less if you were even there? Exactly! I'm just so elated right now that I got to witness something, having a baby in daycare you feel like your gonna miss those moments (the firsts). Even though there will always be a first time they do something in front of you it's not the same as being part of the first time they do it. What great day. Thank you Job for giving me the day after Christmas off.
I'll post the video later after Dad gets a chance to see it!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

12/26 Mommy's Christmas

I declare that December 26th should be Mommy's Christmas. After a wonderful Christmas Eve and Christmas Day...Mommy is exhausted!  From cooking holiday hearty fare (latina style), Christmas eve gift exchange with the hubby, midnight Santa wrapping, Christmas morning present opening, de-packaging of toys, complex assembly of said toys, giving each toy a whirl with my kids - which was fun - i loved seeing their faces as we played with each new thing and even some old things ~ It is now 10pm Christmas day the kids are knocked out and this is the first real moment I've had to myself.  I declare tomorrow is Mommy's Christmas day where I get to relax and play with my gifts. How about that! My new Kindle Fire has been practically yelling at me to play with it.  The hubby got to watch his hearts content of basketball's season starting all day & now its my turn. seriously.